HEALthy Foods for Recovery

Maybe you are preparing for surgery, or you are recovering from one. Perhaps you recently experienced an injury. Regardless of your specific circumstance, when you are in a situation where healing is required, it's good to know all the ways to help facilitate recovery--including your diet.

There are three big nutritional keys to recovery:  protein, zinc and vitamin C.


Protein produces collagen and collagen is a big factor in wound healing. As we age, our bodies tend to produce less collagen, which is why many elderly people find the healing process to be slower. But there are foods to help. According to an article from the Cleveland Clinic[1] , here are some tips to getting enough protein while healing:

  1. Protein first. Because protein is so critical to wound healing, try eating the protein portion of your meals first in case you become too full.  
  2. Get nutty. Add a handful of nuts to your cereal or salad for an extra protein boost. 
  3. Drink milk with meals or snacks. If you’re drinking milk alternatives like almond or flax milk, make sure they have pea protein added, as many alternative milks are not high in protein. 
  4. Keep smart snacks on hand. For easy protein access, turn to cottage cheese, peanut butter and crackers, Greek yogurt and nuts. 
  5. Try nutritional supplements. If your healthcare provider OKs them, look into protein powder or protein shakes.


Zinc was a common name we heard in 2020 as people spoke of ways to comat Covid. It's true--zinc is a big player in keeping your immune system functioning properly, and as such, is also important in wound healing. Zinc plays a role in protein and collagen synthesis, as well as tissue production. Here are some of the best ways to get zinc from your diet:

  • Red meat.
  • Fish.
  • Shellfish.
  • Milk and other dairy products.
  • Eggs.
  • Poultry.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another collagen-producer and it's also keeps wound infections at bay.

Good sources of vitamin C include:

  • Bell peppers.
  • Broccoli.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Kiwi.
  • Spinach.
  • Strawberries.
  • Tomatoes.

When you focus on what's going into your body, chances of a better outcome for your body are increased. If you need further information about healing, please give us a call: 256-236-4121.



Anniston Orthopaedic Associates, P.A., is conveniently located in the Tyler Center on the campus of Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center.  Our office is on the third floorwith easy access to the parking deck attached to the north side of the building.

731 Leighton Avenue, Suite 300
Anniston, Alabama 36207

Phone: 256-236-4121
Fax: 256-237-5254

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